to visit Tim Barmetler at his cabin in Munds Park.
We had no idea how large Munds Park was or how
pretty it was. We went to Tim's cabin and wound up
playing golf in a large meadow below his cabin. It was
a lot of fun and cooler than playing horseshoes in Camp

of a well groomed course.
Where oh where did the golf balls go???
Are you sure this is how Tiger got started??
Tim and David discussing hitting strategies.
Keep your eye on the ball and hope a gopher

Tim and David discussing hitting strategies.

does not steal or eat your ball.
After golfing we went to the lake at Munds Park, which we

knew nothing about. It has fish in it and it was so cool and
pleasant there. We will be coming back here for sure to fish.
Where in Arizona are we?? Munds Park Lake.....