Sunday, October 18, 2009


After more than 20 years, David and I decided we wanted to go out and cut a load of firewood. We use to take all of the kids out with us to do this years ago and we always had lots of little hands to help. So this time it was just David and I and we had a great time. It brought back a lot of memories and some very good times. We went up by the peaks near Flagstaff out by Kendrick park and got a load of Aspen. I have always liked Aspen because it burns hot and it does not leave very much ash. We took that home and unloaded and stacked it and then went up towards Clints Well to get another load of Aspen. By the time we got done it was dark and we stopped and ate dinner at the cafe at Clints Well. It was a great day!!
The old saw was as good as ever.

First load almost done.

There is nothing prettier than the Aspen turning colors.


Nate and Lori said...

Ooh, you're going to love your time out here then. THe leaves are gorgeous right now! Hopefully there will still be plenty of them left next weekend.

Caitlin said...

Ditto on Lori's comment. The ride to church is so pretty! Look at Dave go with that chainsaw! Ben told me all about those traditions, maybe one day we'll be able to carry some of them out.