Saturday, July 26, 2008


I had what they called a right Austin Bunionectomy.
Basically they took of the bunion and a bone spur on
my right foot. In 6-8 weeks they will do the left foot.
The following pictures show before and after and the
boot I will have to wear for at least 3 weeks. The
surgery went fine and as you can see I will have a
nice bumpless foot when it is all done. Finally I can
have a cute, almost, looking foot.


Colton said...

Oh wow. I remember making fun of those things for years. Now what am I going to do?

That actually looks like it was a pretty intense surgery. I hope you get well quickly.

Nate and Lori said...

I hope you start feeling better soon. My sister Maria had that surgery recently and it was really hard for her. The end product looks great though.

Cait and Ben said...

We wish you a full recovery! Remember, it's ok to sit DOWN for a little bit while your foot heals.

Katie said...

I say you deserve a much needed shoe shopping trip after this. There are lots of cute shoes out there, for your nice slim foot. Hope you heal fast.

Deanne said...

What nasty yellow toe nails! Take a bath sometime will ya! Just kiddin', I know its probably from the iodine gunk they smeared all over your foot...I hope! We love ya and hope to see you "un-bunioned" soon! Jake

Deanne said...

Isn't it nice that my name shows up first and I sound like a jerk but it is Jake. The surgery does not sound fun but I bet it will be nice after your all healed. Good luck with school starting.